Day 1 Wednesday 2|03
Muziekpublique |
Molière Theatre, 3 Square du Bastion, 1050 Brussels
concert together with
Kalotaszeg Trio
€ 9 | € 13 | € 15

Day 2 Thursday 3|03
Bij’ De Vieze Gasten |
Haspelstraat 31, 9000 Ghent
concert together with
g-MBT (Makis Baklatzis & Stamatis Pasopoulos)
Laura Cortese invites: Begoña Riobó & Hannah Read
Ghent-based American musician Laura Cortese presents a unique collaboration with two powerhouse female fiddlers, Begoña Riobó and Hannah Read from Galicia and Scotland respectively.
Laura has known both of these musicians for many years and is excited to explore how their styles challenge and compliment each other. The evening will include solo performances by each fiddler as well as exceptional collaborative moments. Galician muiñeiras, Scottish reels, songs from the Appalachians,… just come and see!