Day 1 Wednesday 2|03
Muziekpublique |
Molière Theatre, 3 Square du Bastion, 1050 Brussels
concert together with
Laura Cortese invites: Begoña Riobó & Hannah Read
€ 9 | € 13 | € 15

Day 3 Friday 4|03
De Centrale |
Ham 72, 9000 Ghent
concert together with
Trionica & The Slovenian Fiddle Gang
Kalotaszeg Trio
Méra, the once bustling center of Hungarian folklore in Transylvania, has been quiet since the passing of old violin masters. None other than the Belgian violinist Tcha Limberger has taken on the respectable task of continuing the tradition, together with musicians Rudi Toni on bratch and Rudi Toni Jr on bass. From the bottom of his heart he sings and plays the age-old and heartbreaking hajnalis (lamentations), but also the lightning-fast legényes (boy dances). The folk music from Kalotaszeg is one of the most beautiful of the Hungarian heritage. The musicians added very refined and sensitive minor chords to the originally pentatonic songs. This results in unique melody lines and surprising chord progressions. Tcha Limberger, who comes from the most famous musical manouche family in Belgium, learned the Kalotaszeg style from the world famous village musician Sámu “Neti” Fodor from Transylvania.
This music is little known and they play it as it is meant to be played. It follows the lives of many from baptism to the grave. It celebrates their communal existence and brings people together in the community of Kalotaszeg.